A report making recommendations on how to improve SAP and RdSAP for a net-zero future has been published.
Making SAP and RdSAP 11 fi t for net zero, commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, was written by CIBSE, Elementa, Levitt Bernstein, WSP, University College London (UCL), Clarion Housing Group and Etude.
SAP is the calculation methodology used to estimate and regulate the energy and carbon performance of new homes and existing housing stock across the UK, from small works to large new developments.
The report summarises issues that it says should be addressed in the next version. These include current trends affecting housing, the energy system, technologies, and innovations such as performance testing and verification.
Its 25 recommendations are split into five areas: better alignment of SAP/RdSAP and its strategic objectives; improvements to the methodology; improvements to SAP/RdSAP and its ecosystem for net zero; a better evaluation of energy use; and support of decarbonisation of heat and electricity.
A CIBSE statement said: ‘Implementing our recommendations would significantly assist the design and construction of net zero carbon-ready new homes and the low carbon retrofit of the existing housing stock.’
- Read the report at CIBSE – Building Services News and Policy
For more information and any queries, contact CIBSE technical manager Julie Godefroy at JGodefroy@cibse.org