BEIS is seeking views on its proposed approach to deliver heat network zones in England and identify areas where they are the most appropriate solution for low carbon heat.
The consultation, which closes on 19 November, will consider how central and local government can work more effectively with the industry and local stakeholders to identify and designate areas where heat networks are the lowest-cost solution for decarbonising heat.
It will inform the government’s project to develop legislation and processes for zoning, and is inviting views on the broad principles for how heat network zones could be designed, ahead of later consultations that will go into further detail.
This consultation will cover: the methodology to be used for identifying and designating zones; the roles and responsibilities of different parties involved in the zoning process; the requirements for certain buildings within zones to connect to a heat network; the requirements on certain parties to provide information to support the identification and designation of zones; and the enforcement, monitoring and reporting regimes.