Latest CIBSE group will focus on workplace ventilation issues

New Workplace Exhaust Ventilation Group looking for committee members

CIBSE Journal July 2016 CPD natural cooling and ventilation PCM

CIBSE has established a new Workplace Exhaust Ventilation Group, focused on local exhaust ventilation and other related mechanical ventilation and air quality issues in the workplace.

The objectives of this group include: engaging with stakeholders to develop joint content; creating guidance for those designing and purchasing hoods; updating commission guidance; and organising events to support building knowledge across the CIBSE network.

If you are interested in being involved in the group, you can nominate yourself for the committee by completing the form, or you can become a member by logging into the MyCIBSE Groups page and ticking the relevant box.

The last date for committee nominations is the 30 June, after which a first meeting will be set up and a committee formed.

The CIBSE Board has responsibility for the management of CIBSE groups, and will oversee and manage the appointment of the committee.

● If you have any queries regarding the new group, contact