CLC urges mandatory retrofit training

Basic retrofit modules should be minimum requirement

Core modules on the basics of retrofit should be a ‘minimum requirement’ across all construction -related qualifications and training, a new Construction Leadership Council (CLC) report has urged. Roadmap of skills for net zero, published by the CLC’s People & Skills workstream on 7 May, sets out a framework for defining competence in the domestic retrofit sector.

It says training curricula and content should be evaluated and updated, and mechanisms established for validation and certification. Core modules on the basics of retrofit and building physics should be introduced, and carbon and climate literacy should be a ‘minimum requirement’ across all construction qualifications and training.

The report also urges the government to commit to a long-term national retrofit strategy, to provide certainty and a pipeline of work, stimulating demand for retrofit. In addition, i t recommends a review of government-funded schemes and targets – for example, linking skills and retrofit programme funding.