Improving and maintaining our professional and technical standards are central to CIBSE’s public benefit. But access to CIBSE’s art and science isn’t exclusive; as a registered charity, CIBSE serves more than one group of individuals.
Chris Jones, immediate past chair of CIBSE Home Counties North West (HCNW), said: ‘Its public benefit must be tangible – although it may be difficult to measure. CIBSE’s Regions are run entirely by unpaid volunteers who deliver imaginative and wide-ranging events in a spirit of public benefit, and volunteering helps deliver a ‘charity discount’.
The Regions engage a wide cross-section of society. For example, HCNW ran four public events with two Transition Towns. These community groups have a particular interest in energy efficiency and the environment, ways to alleviate fuel poverty and improve health and wellbeing.
In 2015, the Region attracted 12% bookings from the general public.
Jones added: ‘Blending the public and professionals from built environment disciplines also adds breadth to a Region’s perspective, helping our Institution fulfil its charitable objects.’