Getting to grips with whole-life carbon

Research into the amount of carbon embodied in building services is scarce. Louise Hamot reports on an Elementa study that attempts to measure the whole-life carbon impact of buildingĀ services

Showcasing net-zero: Event Complex Aberdeen’s energy strategy

The Event Complex Aberdeen has a sophisticated energy strategy combining anaerobic digestion, hydrogen fuel cells and CHP plant. Andy Pearson talks to HDR | Hurley Palmer Flatt about the system design, which also produces hydrogen for a fleet of local buses

Digital evolution

How has the five-year plan to roll out BIM Level 2 across central government projects developed across the construction sector? Hywel Davies investigates

Sponsored roundtable: The benefits of REFCOM Elite

Poorly installed cooling systems can have disastrous consequences for energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. Amanda Birch hears how REFCOM Elite can eliminate the risks, in our latest expert roundtable