Hot and bothered: Zehnder overheating survey

The risk of overheating in buildings is growing significantly as temperatures rise, but a new survey by CIBSE Journal and Zehnder Group UK shows that mitigating the risk is not always a priority in design even though respondents say it’s a hot issue. David Blackman reports

CIBSE President Fiona Cousins: building performance reimagined

New CIBSE President Fiona Cousins is challenging building services engineers to re-evaluate building performance and collaborate with other disciplines. She tells Alex Smith that CIBSE Members should be striving to deliver buildings that meet the needs of society and the natural environment

Holding up a mirror: CIBSE’s climate action plan

Creating a Climate Action Plan that mirrors CIBSE’s will ensure that engineers and organisations are being proactive in taking on the climate emergency. Julie Godefroy is keen to hear your views ahead of the next update in the autumn

Platform for sustainability: Paris Olympics Aquatics Centre

The low carbon, sustainable design of the Paris 2024 Aquatics Centre will help halve the Olympics’ carbon footprint compared with London 2012. Andy Pearson looks at the passive-first design and the lasting legacy of the Games’ only new venue

What’s your archetype? Heat network analysis

The data on heat networks is disparate and inconsistent. Aya H Heggy describes a project that aims to create five archetypes that will allow policy-makers to pinpoint effective decarbonisation strategies

Out of site: modular heat pump solutions

With site accommodation contributing significantly to construction projects’ carbon footprints, engineers on a £227m residential scheme at Wembley Park have come up with a modular heat pump solution that cut operation carbon by 14 tonnes in six months, as Solaris Energy’s Daniel Large explains to Andy Pearson

All hands to the pump: assessing barriers to heat pumps

The Electrification of Heat Demonstration Project shows that heat pumps are viable for all UK property types and architectural eras. Energy Systems Catapult’s Rebecca Sweeney looks at the implications of the main findings