Pitching for equality: Lucy May interview

Cundall’s new global head of diversity, equity, inclusion and culture, Lucy May, answers questions about her journey from football to the construction industry

Share your enthusiasm: STEM Ambassadors

Attracting young engineers into the industry is essential to close the industry skills gap. The new CIBSE STEM Ambassador programme, launched by CIBSE President Adrian Catchpole, connects professionals to schools and colleges, and aims to inspire students with insights into building services. Molly Tooher-Rudd talks to three engineers who have taken up the challenge

Route to jet zero: decarbonising aviation

With aviation accounting for 2.5% of global carbon emissions, it is vital that the sector prepares for the decarbonisation of air travel. Molly Tooher-Rudd finds out how Atkins is decarbonising airport infrastructure and gearing up for a new generation of electric and hydrogen-powered flight

Boxing clever: retrofits in Ireland

With Dublin planners now requiring that building re-use is considered over demolition, innovative office retrofits will soon become the norm. Andy Pearson looks at two: Tom Johnson House and the Tropical Fruit Warehouse

What’s in store? Innovation in thermal storage

Researchers at the universities of Bath and Swansea claim to have made a breakthrough in thermal storage using a material derived from renewable seaweed. Molly Tooher-Rudd talks to Swansea University’s Jack Reynolds and Jonathon Elvins to hear how it could be used to store recovered heat in buildings

The big picture: embodied energy at 100 Gray’s Inn Road

With a new development at 100 Gray’s Inn Road, in central London, set to become the UK’s largest full-timber, net zero carbon office building, Phil Lattimore finds out how the building’s whole life-cycle carbon impact has been assessed

TM65.2: shining a light on embodied energy

Calculating embodied energy in lighting equipment can now be done more accurately thanks to the new CIBSE TM65.2 guide, which, say co-authors Kristina Allison and Irene Mazzei, is targeted at manufacturers and lighting designers to lower whole life carbon

Interview Dame Judith Hackitt: ‘A wake-up call to say quality matters’

With new Building Regulations coming into force on 1 October, Dame Judith Hackitt warns that those wedded to traditional ways of working risk falling foul of the law, and says a new generation of engineers have the chance to sweep away unacceptable practices. She tells Alex Smith why she won’t stop working until change happens

Clear decisions: whole life carbon for façades

By applying the CWCT embodied carbon calculation methodology to a Croydon office, Patrick Ryan Associates estimated whether selecting a new high-performing façade is better for reducing whole life carbon than retaining elements of the original. Anri Doda and Jill Wang explain

What the awards data reveals

The quality of data submitted alongside project entries for CIBSE’s Building Performance Awards improves each year. Julie Godefroy analyses the 2023 entries and signposts potential information requirements for the future