Building Regulations update: single sex toilets

In response to a growing trend towards ‘gender neutral’ toilets, Government is consulting a new Part T of the Building Regulations dealing with toilet provision. Hywel Davies explains the proposals

Lighting the path: interview with SLL president Helen Loomes

Innovation, sustainability, and health and wellbeing will take centre stage during Helen Loomes’ term as President of the Society of Light and Lighting. Molly Tooher-Rudd hears about her plans for the year, which include two new lighting events

Formula for success: Sizing heat pumps in hybrid energy centres

Reducing the size of heat pumps in hybrid energy centres can cut carbon and capital costs dramatically – but what ratio of heat should they supply? Research by FairHeat’s Ellie Hiscock used hourly load modelling to come up with a rule of thumb for the optimal heat ratios for heat pumps and thermal storage with electric boilers

Phased approach: optimising heat networks

The government’s new Heat Network Optimisation Guide aims to improve the performance of existing networks by rigorously analysing performance and making cost-effective interventions that maximise efficiency. Alex Smith reports

Beacon of learning: LET’s Diploma in Lighting Design

The Diploma in Lighting Design is open to anyone with an interest in furthering their knowledge of lighting technology and research. Atkin’s Kristina Allison MSLL MCIBSE answers questions on an enlightening career move

Case study: Comberton Village College heat network

The installation of a new heat network at Comberton Village College is set to significantly reduce the heating bill and save 248 tonnes of CO2. Andy Pearson speaks to Bouygues Energies & Services about how two 500kW ground source heat pumps replaced oil-fired boilers scattered across 16 plantrooms

Testing times

A report into product testing and certification raises interesting questions for manufacturers in relation to building safety. Hywel Davies considers how they will need to demonstrate their products conform to standards