A call for clarity: adopting a design-then-build approach

In the ever-evolving landscape of construction, the traditional single-stage tender process for design and build contracts faces scrutiny. calfordseaden’s Jonathan Harris delves into the practicality of a design-then-build approach

Platform for change: insights from CIBSE Build2Perform Live 2023

CIBSE Build2Perform Live was a platform for industry professionals and academics to highlight the issues vital to the built environment tackling its net zero challenges while ensuring the safety and comfort of end users. Alex Smith, Molly Tooher-Rudd and Mike Sewell report

Reimagining education for building services engineering

University courses will have to evolve if they are to ensure the next generation of building services engineers have the skill sets to deliver healthy, net zero buildings. Dejan Mumovic FCIBSE summarises a recent REHVA Journal special that addressed the issue

Net zero design: the Future Homes and Buildings Standard

Government net zero proposals for the Future Homes and Buildings Standards gave CIBSE Members plenty to digest over the Christmas period. Alex Smith looks at the proposed changes and how they will affect the specifying of low carbon technologies

Setting the scene: Manchester’s new arts venue Aviva Studios

Manchester’s new arts venue, Aviva Studios, features two huge events spaces that can host anything from poetry readings to mega-raves. BDP had the challenge of devising a flexible lighting and services strategy that could adapt to any artistic situation, as the consultant’s Steve Merridew and Nick Meddows explain

Inspiring action: highlights from COP28

After attending COP28, Hoare Lea’s Ashley Bateson FCIBSE is more acutely aware than ever of the need to avoid fossil fuels, embrace biodiversity and focus on performance

Network provider: Gareth Jones on the heat network revolution

The Energy Act 2023 paves the way for the mass rollout of heat networks in the UK, and the mandatory connection of many buildings. Alex Smith speaks to FairHeat’s Gareth Jones about government plans to regulate new networks and raise the standard of the 14,000 already in place