Chemical equilibrium – carbon neutral laboratory

The GlaxoSmithKline Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry at the University of Nottingham aims to be carbon neutral over its 25-year lifetime. Rebuilt after a fire gutted the site a year into construction, Andrew Brister reveals the energy strategy behind the £15.8m building

The new Design Museum – engineering by stealth

The minimalist architecture of the Design Museum’s new London home meant its building services had to be silent and hidden from view. Andy Pearson explains how ChapmanBDSP overcame the challenges

Just the ticket – monitoring at The Hive

Good design, monitoring and control have ensured The Hive library in Worcester has comfortably beaten its energy targets. Afroditi-Maria Konidari and Ian P Knight, of Cardiff University, look at how proactive building management and low-energy design reaped results

Creature comforts – David Attenborough Building

How do you turn a brutalist, uninsulated, concrete structure – housing the University of Cambridge’s zoology department – into a naturally ventilated showcase of sustainability that encourages collaboration between conservation groups? Andy Pearson finds out