Registered delivery: Nottingham Trent University retrofit

Nottingham Trent University has successfully integrated a biomass boiler and district heating system in a challenging retrofit project involving a neglected Victorian register office. This triumph scooped Commercial Project of the Year for the university engineering team at the 2016 CIBSE Awards. Andy Pearson reports

Fitness fanatics – Arboreal Architecture’s Clapham retrofit

Arboreal Architecture was awarded Residential Project of the Year at the CIBSE Awards for its forensic approach to a domestic retrofit in Clapham. Andy Pearson looks at how a deep understanding of building physics enabled the design team to maximise performance

Max Fordham takes on Britain’s biggest Passivhaus

Camden’s Agar Grove estate is to become the UK’s biggest residential Passivhaus project. Max Fordham’s Bertie Dixon describes the challenges of building an 18-storey tower to the standard, and explains why the council is committed to the low energy code

Light and shade – Siemens Middle Eastern headquarters

Masdar, in Abu Dhabi, is designed to showcase green technologies in the Middle East. Andy Pearson looks at how the city’s masterplan helped determine Aecom’s passive-first strategy in this Leed Platinum exemplar scheme

Beyond Oil – Irena Headquarters Masdar

The headquarters for the International Renewable Energy Agency boasts a huge PV array – but the real talking point is the 50% reduction in energy demand achieved after extensive modelling from the outset

Guaranteed performance – Somerset House’s risk-free services retrofit

London’s Somerset House comes to life in winter. Its illuminated neoclassical façades form a sparkling backdrop to the open-air ice-rink that, each year, attracts thousands of pre-Christmas revellers. Until the end of the 20th century, it was a more austere place, housing many government departments, including the Inland Revenue. That changed in the 1990s, when […]