Hays 2021 salary survey

Despite the pandemic, salaries across the building services sector rose last year, according to the Hays Salary Survey. While engineers’ prime concern now is job security, two-thirds will look to move in the next 12 months. David Blackman reports

Welcome to the team: helping workers feel less remote

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant graduates and new starters no longer have the opportunity to learn from colleagues and mentors in the real world. Firms have adapted by instigating remote online sessions, but what is the best way to replicate real-life learning? Phil Lattimore reports

Tom Hopton interview: the new norm must be smarter

CIBSE Engineer of the Year Tom Hopton spent 2020 looking at how data could help building owners respond to the upheaval caused by Covid-19. He tells Alex Smith how analytics is boosting the performance of buildings while responding to the needs of occupants

Highlights from Build2Perform 2020

Achieving net-zero carbon was one of the key themes at the CIBSE Build2Perform online conference, alongside building safety, Brexit and minimising the risk of Covid-19. Alex Smith, Liza Young and Phil Lattimore hear how engineers are responding to a changing landscape

Engineers respond to the climate emergency

As more and more organisations signup to Building Services Engineers Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, seven signatories explain the movement’s significance

Air of authority: interview with Professor Catherine Noakes

Professor Catherine Noakes’ knowledge of ventilation and infection transmission has made her one of the government’s key scientific advisers on Covid-19. In recognition of her work, she was made an OBE last month. Alex Smith talks to her about the challenge of winter and the impact of infection control going mainstream