Hive of activity – agile working design

Agile workplaces that allow staff to choose where they work are making inroads in offices. Liza Young finds out how such spaces will work alongside wellbeing principles

Women making a landmark contribution

Exemplar projects with key roles for females help improve engineering’s gender bias. Ahead of International Women in Engineering Day, Andrew Brister talks to three women who are helping deliver a new ‘statement’ building for the London School of Economics

A Chicago thriller – chiller replacement

Replacing a district cooling system with chillers required a helicopter to lift new plant into a tiny room 200 metres above Chicago. Cyclone Energy Group’s Benjamin Skelton describes the challenge

Making the case for evaporative cooling

Evaporative cooling can save energy when used in the right climate. AEI’s James Falconer looks at the technology in Hong Kong, Las Vegas and London, and explains why the cooling method is making a comeback

Emergency lighting standards

Revised emergency lighting standards now include sections on emergency safety and standby lighting. Atkins’ David Mooney highlights what this means for designers