Building Performance Awards 2016 shortlists

Four new project categories in the 2016 Building Performance Awards have attracted a wide range of exemplar case studies, making the judges’ job even tougher this year. Alex Smith had a ringside seat at the shortlisting session to find out which entries made the final round

The right tool for the job? Testing the BIM Toolkit

The NBS BIM Toolkit is designed to help organisations reach Level 2 BIM, but how does it perform under test conditions? The CIBSE BIM Group used the beta version on a hypothetical junior school project and found issues that urgently need to be addressed. Tim Dwyer reports

Surviving the boom times: building services consultant survey

Business may be booming in the building services sector, but the pressures of frozen fees, skills shortages and rising construction costs mean industry’s top consultants cannot afford to be complacent. Roxane McMeeken reports on the findings from CIBSE Journal’s first consultant survey and speaks to industry leaders facing an overheating market

University challenge – optimising BMS at Oxford University

When the project team uncovered issues with a new ground source heat pump in a flagship building at the University of Oxford, it prompted a large-scale investigation of existing HVAC systems across the estate. Liza Young looks at how system optimisation is helping the university to cut its carbon emissions

Building by the book – UEL’s award-winning Stratford Library

Soft landings is instrumental in helping Aecom target tough energy requirements for the University of East London’s new library in Stratford. Andy Pearson found out how continual refinement of the building, once in operation, helped it win CIBSE’s New Build Project of the Year (up to £10m) award

In it for the honey

Urban beekeeping has the potential to revive ailing bee populations and provide city dwellers with a welcome taste of the wild. Cundall invited 30,000 honeybees onto the terrace of its London office, and controlled hive temperature and humidity to ensure a bumper harvest for its staff. Harry Barnes and Kavita Kumari report

Kick up the arts

Festivals are known as much for the waste and squalor they create as for the quality of entertainment on offer, but some former music execs are now showing the arts world how to save resources. Liza Young goes for a spin with Julie’s Bicycle