The power of three

New CIBSE President Nick Mead joins fellow presidents Andy Sneyd and Stephen Hodder to discuss how institutions can encourage the professions to break out of their silos and become involved in collaboration. Ewen Rose senses a cultural change at the first presidential debate in Westminster Central Hall

Florence Nightingale: nurse and building engineer

The Lady with the Lamp was one of the first to recognise the importance of air quality in the treatment of hospital patients, and her recommendations on ventilation rates are similar to today’s CIBSE guidance, says SE Controls’ Chris Iddon

The treasure hunt

With more than 150 people already on the CIBSE register of Lead Assessors, the uptake of ESOS is gathering pace. Liza Young takes a tour of the Marriott Heathrow Hotel to find out what assessors look for during an energy audit

‘I cannot think of a better career than services engineering’

Mike Davies, one of the founding partners of the Richard Rogers Partnership – and part of the team that worked on the groundbreaking Pompidou Centre in Paris – has proved he has foresight as well as insight. Liza Young speaks to the man in red

Driving home fire safety

Jet fans have long been the go-to technology for effective car park ventilation, but developing safe and reliable systems
is often challenging. James Allen discusses the need for greater understanding of smoke control in car park design