Futurebuild: navigating a path to net zero

The built environment industry gathered at the Futurebuild conference last month in London, to discuss various paths to decarbonisation. Alex Smith and Molly Tooher-Rudd report

It’s not just about the money: Hays 2023 salary survey

The skills shortage in building services persists, and if companies want to attract talent they will need to offer more than financial incentives, finds the 2023 Hays Salary Survey. David Blackman looks at the must-have perks for engineers

CIBSE 2023 Building Performance Awards: winners revealed

An exemplary housing retrofit in Wales is the 2023 CIBSE Building Performance Champion. Judges thought the collaborative approach by the Welsh School of Architecture at Cardiff University could provide a template for decarbonising other existing homes

Who’s standing up to inequality?

As International Women’s Day again raises awareness of discrimination, Molly Tooher-Rudd looks at what companies and CIBSE Inclusivity Panels are doing to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

London calling: why CIBSE is planning to relocate to central London

CIBSE has announced it is seeking to leave Balham and buy a new head office in central London. Alex Smith finds out how the Institution intends to harness Members’ skills and experience to create an exemplar retrofit that will inspire others on the path to net zero

Countdown to zero: Build2Perform Live highlights

Decarbonisation and building safety dominated the debates at CIBSE’s Build2Perform Live in London. Alex Smith and Molly Tooher-Rudd find out how CIBSE and the wider industry are rising to the twin challenges

Commercial heat pumps: ‘The default solution’

While heat pumps are becoming more common in many building sectors, there are still issues to overcome before they become mainstream in the UK. Amanda Birch reports on CIBSE Journal’s latest roundtable, which considers the benefits and barriers of widescale adoption of heat pumps in commercial buildings