Triple crown: Young Engineers Awards winners revealed

The winners of the CIBSE Young Engineers Awards demonstrated that the building services industry has the talent and drive to deliver the safe and sustainable buildings necessary to meet the challenge of climate change. Alex Smith report

Embodied energy: the whole picture

New CIBSE research shows that embodied energy in heating and hot-water systems accounts for up to 25% of a dwelling’s whole-life embodied carbon. Elementa Consulting’s Yara Machnouk reports on the study that will form the basis of CIBSE guidance TM65.1

Striking the right note

Engineers at London’s Grade I-listed Royal Albert Hall had the challenge of designing a near-silent cooling system in one of the UK’s most important Victorian buildings. Andy Pearson listens in

Unlocking the potential of heat networks

The rollout of heat networks are a key plank of the government’s Heat and Buildings Strategy. To identify the urban areas most suitable for networks, the government has published a new document on zoning, as Andy Pearson reports

What will buildings look like in 2050?

Ahead of Glasgow’s COP26, we asked six leading engineers what a typical building will look like in 2050, and the challenges designers and industry will face in getting to net zero in key sectors

Designing efficient hybrid heat pump systems

Considering the optimal operational design conditions of both technologies is essential to maximise the efficiency of a hybrid heat pump system. Baxi Heating’s Ryan Kirkwood offers advice on how to avoid conflict

Rethinking the fan coil

The Artus hybrid air conditioning unit is only 200mm deep, yet it achieves energy savings of 83% over conventional fan coil units thanks to patented designs for the heat exchanger and fan assembly. Andy Pearson speaks to inventor Roger Olsen about his quest to cool buildings more efficiently

Young Engineers Awards finalists revealed

Eight young engineers – vying to become the CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate of the Year 2021 – will take to the virtual stage at the Young Engineers Awards this month, when the Apprentice of the Year will also be crowned

Our time is now: interview with CIBSE CEO Ruth Carter

CIBSE’s new chief executive, Ruth Carter, says the Institution is on the cusp of an exciting new era, in which building services engineers will be integral to the creation of a new generation of net-zero buildings that will put occupants first