Holding up a mirror: CIBSE’s climate action plan

Creating a Climate Action Plan that mirrors CIBSE’s will ensure that engineers and organisations are being proactive in taking on the climate emergency. Julie Godefroy is keen to hear your views ahead of the next update in the autumn

All hands to the pump: assessing barriers to heat pumps

The Electrification of Heat Demonstration Project shows that heat pumps are viable for all UK property types and architectural eras. Energy Systems Catapult’s Rebecca Sweeney looks at the implications of the main findings

Glaring omissions: CIBSE response to building standards consultations

As the consultation period closes for a slew of regulations that will determine the sustainability of building stock for years to come, Julie Godefroy summarises CIBSE’s response to government proposals, and says they should have gone further to cut energy use and carbon

Join the movement: Women in Building Services Engineering

From addressing challenges to fostering inclusivity, Women in Building Services Engineering aims to shape a more equitable and diverse future for the industry. Jess Glynn sheds a light on the group’s plans as it looks to attract more volunteers