Joining the dots

We will emerge from lockdown to a sense of déjà vu. Covid-19 has not changed targets to cut carbon emissions by 2050 or the need to improve building safety. Hywel Davies considers how these ambitions interact

Regulations and guidance

Confusion is rife about what Building Regulations require and what government guidance suggests. Hywel Davies explores the role of Approved Documents and the responsibility for satisfying requirements of the Building Regulations

The big reveal

Disclosure of energy performance is coming. Julie Godefroy says now is the time to get ahead of the curve and contribute to CIBSE energy benchmarks and showcase developments and existing buildings

A question of competence

The draft Building Safety Bill sets out new requirements for professional competence. Hywel Davies considers proposals in the draft framework

Planning sticking points

More environmental rigour is needed to support the government’s rhetoric on deregulating planning while ensuring standards, says Julie Godefroy

Homes for the future?

The UK has had a housing shortage for some time. Hywel Davies looks at proposals to increase provision and possible unintended consequences

What the Building Safety Bill means for construction

The Building Safety Bill sets the stage for the most fundamental reform of regulations relating to the construction and operation of buildings in two generations. Hywel Davies says it will lead to radical change for all