Build to safely perform

In his Presidential address in May, Stuart MacPherson urged us not to return to business as usual as we emerge from the current crisis. Hywel Davies considers what that might mean for building safety

The road to recovery

As the lockdown eases, Julie Godefroy outlines some of the key policy activity focused on supporting the transition to a zero carbon economy

The realistic route to zero carbon

To achieve carbon reduction targets, Chris Twinn says the UK should be looking at large-scale offsite renewables and achievable building performance targets that are rigorously upheld

Building back digitally

There are calls to ‘Build Back Better’ as we seek to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Hywel Davies describes the role digitalisation has to play in making buildings safer and more cost efficient

We need a plan

As the first wave of the pandemic subsides, our economy still needs serious support. Hywel Davies considers how we might now meet future demands

Code, not compromise

A manufacturing code of conduct would result in transparent specification that would end cost-cutting tendencies, says Remeha’s Ryan Kirkwood

A green recovery

How can we ensure a renewed focus on climate change and other environmental issues after Covid-19, asks CIBSE’s Julie Godefroy