Getting zero done, too!

With a new government settling in, and another Queen’s Speech to digest, Hywel Davies looks forward to the year(s) ahead

State of independence

Verification of product information is needed to ensure equipment delivers on makers’ performance claims, says Geyser Thermal Energy’s Lolli Olafsson

Loud and clear on noise control

Excessive noise from mechanical ventilation systems can have a detrimental effect on the comfort of building occupants, but Apex Acoustics’ Jack Harvie-Clark believes the proposed Approved Document F fails to address the issue

Turning insight out

The SLL’s guidance on exterior lighting ranges widely in application, from façades and public spaces to roads and workplaces, as Paul Ruffles explains

Digital evolution

How has the five-year plan to roll out BIM Level 2 across central government projects developed across the construction sector? Hywel Davies investigates

One step closer to net zero?

Government proposals for improving energy efficiency in buildings show signs of ambition, but regulations need modifications, says Julie Godefroy

Rewriting the rules for housing

Government is consulting on a number of building-related issues addressing safety and climate change, while the Queen’s Speech hints at future legislation supporting Dame Judith Hackitt’s recommendations, says Hywel Davies

Passivhaus rules

City of York Council is the latest local authority to strive for Passivhaus housing. Leda’s Jim Wild explains why the methodology is gaining traction