The policy clues

There has been a flurry of recommendations about the future for heating, cooling and energy efficiency in our buildings. Hywel Davies considers how they might influence the review of Parts L and F of the Building Regulations

Nearer to zero

With most of the 2050 building stock already in place, Hywel Davies considers what the net-zero carbon UK emissions target might mean in practice

Walk the talk

The government has legislated that the UK will be zero carbon by 2050 – so what is it doing to achieve this for its own estate and activities? Julie Godefroy explains

Building to perform

Pressure is growing to make our existing building stock much more energy efficient, to guard against overheating, and to deliver buildings that are safe and really work in daily use, as Hywel Davies explains

Building a safer future

Almost two years after the conflagration at Grenfell Tower that claimed 72 lives, the government has published a far-reaching consultation on how we build and operate multi-occupancy residential buildings. Hywel Davies outlines some of the more challenging proposals

Fossil futures?

Headlines have focused on Extinction Rebellion protests, teenage activist Greta Thunberg and the UK’s drive to be zero carbon by 2050, but the growing global fossil-fuel market underlines the scale of the challenge, says Hywel Davies

Climate action: what CIBSE is doing

The Institution has started mapping its activities around climate change, to allow members and others to understand and access the work being done. Julie Godefroy breaks down the main areas of action