What do we mean by ‘carbon’?

Designing and building sustainably can be a challenge when faced with so many definitions of the term ‘carbon’. Blaise Kelly, from the Austrian Institute of Technology, questions what we actually mean by it

Our buildings, our data… maybe not

Energy data is essential to monitor the performance of buildings and will underpin the move to smart constructions. But who owns the data? Robert Klaschka warns of the dangers of allowing building data to fall into the hands of third-party operators

Tesla’s power shift is a smart move

The announcement that Tesla has developed a domestic battery gives smart grid technology a high-profile boost, says ECA’s Bill Wright, who calculates payback rates of about 8-10 years

From ‘could do’ to ‘must do’ standards

A new heat networks code of practice – to be published this summer – will ensure district heating schemes achieve best-practice standards, says CIBSE CHP Group chair Phil Jones