On neutral ground: designing to minimise water use

Prolonged droughts are making water scarcity a global concern. Ramboll’s Rickesh Miyangar says new projects should aim for water neutrality, where water abstraction is no higher than existing levels

Creating a legacy

The CIBSE Young Engineers Network have taken over the editing of CIBSE Journal this month. YEN Chair Gemma Taylor describes what is inspiring the next generation

Hybrid heat pumps: a step in the right direction

With 23 million homes still using gas boilers, Liv Stokes argues that hybrid systems featuring heat pumps and top-up gas boilers could provide a stepping stone for the decarbonisation of heat

Under review: latest progress on building safety workstreams

The Grenfell Inquiry considered the requirements of Part B of the Building Regulations and associated guidance and a review of the Approved Document was announced in 2020. Hywel Davies looks at the progress of workstreams supporting improved fire safety design guidance

Counting carbon

The Environmental Audit Committee has called for a rapid reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as operational carbon targets. Hywel Davies looks at the detail

Covid-19: a lasting legacy

Lessons learned from Covid-19 should be applied now to ensure resilience against future pandemics, according to a new NEPC report. Among recommendations are a Building Regulation for health and wellbeing, and in-use testing of ventilation. Shaun Fitzgerald FCIBSE shares the findings

Reforming fire safety

On 18 May, the government announced its Fire Reform White Paper, which is intended to strengthen the fire service and introduces new requirements for risk assessments of dwellings in blocks of flats.  The changes include the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, bringing into effect provisions of the Fire Safety Act 2021 requiring fire safety risk […]

125 years of CIBSE: digital futures

To mark 125 years since the formation of the Institute of Heating and Ventilation, we are asking today’s CIBSE Societies what the future may hold for engineers. First in the series is Carl Collins, who writes on behalf of the Society of Digital Engineering

All change

New legislation governing the construction sector is passing through parliament and will have far-reaching implications. Hywel Davies explores the changes