Preparing for the worst: lessons on overheating from Futurebuild

CIBSE’s overheating session at Futurebuild detailed the risks to care homes and apartments of a warming planet. Alex Smith hears from modellers and academics about the extent of the threat posed to buildings and the measures that could be taken to increase the climate resilience of future designs

Zoning in: the new Heat Network Zoning consultation

The government is aiming for 11% of heat in the UK to be supplied by heat networks within newly designated heat zones. Alex Smith looks at the routes to connection in the new Heat Network Zoning consultation

Bradford’s cultural connection: a model for low-carbon district heating

The first phase of Bradford’s new heat network will be able to deliver up to 60GWh of low carbon heat when it comes online in 2026. Andy Pearson speaks to engineer FairHeat and 1Energy, the company behind the project, which plans to invest in 10 similar schemes in British cities

Setting the scene: Manchester’s new arts venue Aviva Studios

Manchester’s new arts venue, Aviva Studios, features two huge events spaces that can host anything from poetry readings to mega-raves. BDP had the challenge of devising a flexible lighting and services strategy that could adapt to any artistic situation, as the consultant’s Steve Merridew and Nick Meddows explain

Network provider: Gareth Jones on the heat network revolution

The Energy Act 2023 paves the way for the mass rollout of heat networks in the UK, and the mandatory connection of many buildings. Alex Smith speaks to FairHeat’s Gareth Jones about government plans to regulate new networks and raise the standard of the 14,000 already in place