Safety routes: assuring competence under the building safety regime

To comply with the Building Safety Act, engineers will have to prove their competence and assure the safety of buildings they design, construct and operate. CABE’s Richard Harral and CIBSE’s Hywel Davies discuss key challenges for industry professionals

Futurebuild: navigating a path to net zero

The built environment industry gathered at the Futurebuild conference last month in London, to discuss various paths to decarbonisation. Alex Smith and Molly Tooher-Rudd report

LSBU’s cool new hub

More than half of all UK building services engineers studied at London South Bank University, so BDP’s services retrofit of the main building on the campus had to demonstrate best practice in every function. BDP’s Laura Smith reports on the steps taken to transform a tired teaching facility into the collegiate LSBU Hub

The first Build2Perform Live event for three years focused on two areas that will change forever how building services engineers design and deliver buildings: the elimination of carbon and the guarantee of safety. Held at ExCeL London for the first time, the event attracted 80 speakers and 60 exhibitors, and offered 45 hours of CPD […]

Positions of power: hitting the heat pump growth targets

The government is aiming to increase annual heat pump installations from 30,000 to 800,000 by 2028. How this can be achieved was discussed at the IEA’s annual research seminar last month. Molly Tooher-Rudd reports

Lighting the way for low energy illumination

Despite the prevalence of LEDs, lighting still makes up a substantial proportion of energy use in buildings. Guests at the latest CIBSE Journal roundtable discussed how operational and embodied energy use could be further reduced by smarter design and a circular approach to components

Get in touch with CIBSE YEN in your region

Joining a CIBSE Young Engineers Network Society or Region is the perfect way to network with fellow professionals and keep abreast of the latest rules and innovations. To get involved get in touch with one of the YEN chairs featured here, or contact YEN

Radical departure? Retrofitting for heat pumps

With the pressure on homeowners to replace domestic gas boilers with heat pumps, it is essential that engineers ensure that existing radiators and pipework are suitable for the lower-temperature heat source. David Palmer looks at the key considerations when upgrading a heating system