CIBSE news
ANZ Benevolent Fund contribution
Fund offers assistance to CIBSE members, former members and dependants
How CIBSE’s Inclusivity Panel aims to improve diversity
A solution to the UK’s engineering skills gap has been staring us in the face for decades – women and…
Winning entry creates buzz with bike sheds
Green Roof Shelters wins Green Infrastructure Design Challenge
SoPHE backs plumbing centre of excellence
First-year NVQ students compete in plumbing competition
Double crown for Rose Bruford College at Ready Steady Light
Annual Society of Light and Lighting competition
North West dinner relaunches
First event in more than seven years coincides with regions 90th anniversary
Hurry to hit travel bursary deadline
13 April deadline for entries for award of up to £4,000
CIBSE offers soft skills training
New online training modules for business and management skills