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INTERVIEW | HELEN LOOMES LIGHTING THE PATH Innovation, sustainability, and health and wellbeing will take centre stage during Helen Loomes term as President of the Society of Light and Lighting. Molly Tooher-Rudd hears about her plans for the year, which include two new lighting events 20 August 2023 www.cibsejournal.com H elen Loomes FSLL wants to use her 12 months as president of the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL) to bring science and fun back into the discipline. I want to create a space where we can enjoy each others ideas; spark off each other. I want people to feel they can be creative and use their imagination its not just about the standards and policy, she says. The role of president is often described as a figurehead, representing the society at events and chairing meetings. Im there as a support, says Loomes, as most of the significant decisions are made through the various committees. As well as creating a platform for the lighting industry at Build2Perform, Loomes wants to use her year in office to organise a new SLL conference, with a particular focus on the science of lighting. Lighting encompasses art and science, and the design side is crucial. However, our big breakthroughs have come from scientific research and evidence, she says. Planning and executing a conference within one year will be a challenging task, but the structure of the SLL allows Loomes to set the wheels in motion and be around next year to help see it through. I want to bring the fun back into lighting, she says. Its exciting when new discoveries New SLL president Helen Loomes with immediate past president Andrew Bissell come along; you can create some spectacular designs. She feels that the SLL has had a bit of a reputation for being stuffy and just focusing on regulations. In reality, the lighting industry is a fascinating space, with so much going on. I want to show people what we are all about and what they can gain by becoming a member. This year, the SLLs presence at Build2Perform will be bigger, with a dedicated Light2Perform section. Our aim is to foster better connections between the lighting community and the wider built environment, says Loomes. Several exciting papers have been lined up, and there will be a daily panel discussion just before lunch, which will get the audience involved and prompt conversations that can continue over the break (see panel, Light2Perform). There are certain areas of scientific research that Loomes believes will be important for the industry, and these form