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M66 Assured! Designed and manufactured in the UK, we take pride in developing and producing lighting solutions that prioritise the Circular Economy. As one of the founding partners of CIBSE and the LIAs TM66 Circular Economy Assurance Scheme, we are at the forefront of pioneering this innovative program. By actively participating in this scheme, we are committed to advancing the adoption of environmentally friendly practices in the lighting industry and our aim is to assist consultants DQGVSHFLHUVLQPDNLQJLQIRUPHGFKRLFHVZKHQLWFRPHVWRVHOHFWLQJVXVWDLQDEOHOXPLQDLUHV BSE IB C SE 4 August 2023 www.cibsejournal.com 012-0003 Scan to read more about TM66