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HEALTHCARE | STANDARDISATION Standardising hospital design will be key to the programmes success FRESH APPROACH TO HEALTHCARE Standardisation and collaboration are key to meeting the governments 40 new hospitals by 2030 target, according to leaders of the New Hospital Programme S tandardisation will be at the was being adopted to streamline processes. core of the governments 20bn We will specify routes to market by setting New Hospital Programme, up frameworks for main contractors, and be according to those responsible very explicit about a standard that we want for delivery. adherence to throughout all our hospitals, he In May, the government said. This is a long-term programme. said funding for the programme had been There is political consensus about ensuring increased to 20bn, to help meet the target of consistency, with investment beyond this delivering 40 new hospitals by 2030. governments remit. Standardisation extends Lord Markham, portfolio minister for to components, including room designs, door the programme, and Morag Stuart, chief types, and faade structures. For example, programme officer, provided an update a staggering 27,000 door types are currently on the progress being made under a new in use across NHS hospitals. The programme delivery body, at a webinar hosted by BESA. seeks to reduce this to 700, allowing greater Markham told BESA chief executive David efficiency and ease of maintenance, while Frise 2.0 66x186mm standardisation approach flexibility. 3440that PB aSBS Ad_AW.qxp_Layout 1 retaining 31/01/2023 11:04 Page 1 Stuart explained how the new-build programme would accelerate this development, emphasising the importance of the build-design-operate-maintain model. By using modern methods of construction, the programme can facilitate better production, and manufacture at scale and speed, she added. Prioritisation will be given to the mechanical and electrical public health cassettes, faades, and the single-room design and its physical envelope. The programme aims to create digitally mature hospitals that prioritise patient wellbeing and recovery. Factors such as ventilation, natural light and indoor air quality play a crucial role in the patient experience. This isnt just vital to patient wellbeing, but shortens waiting times, and quickens the flow through hospital and how well you can use your beds, said Markham. The success of the programme relies on collaboration and engagement from various stakeholders, said Stuart, who added: We really need your input; we want to make sure we design with knowledge and expertise in hand. She said there is an opportunity for suppliers to invest and scale up while driving innovation in the healthcare sector, and she hoped that as many components as possible could be manufactured in the UK. However, a lack of industry capacity makes it hard for contractors to invest in the long term. We are investigating the level of investment that will be needed to support the supply chain, Stuart said. Balancing inflation and managing costs are critical factors that the programme aims to address through careful planning and strategic partnerships. We want to adopt a Nightingale spirit on this, Markham said, The RAAC hospitals urgently need to be replaced, so there is a knowledge we have to do things differently to meet that timescale. CJ Smith Brothers stock the Ensign cast iron system, suitable for commercial, public and residential buildings. Scan the QR code for more information 44 August 2023 www.cibsejournal.com Made from 99% recycled materials and 100% recyclable A1 fired rated system High performing mechanical joints that can perform from 0.5 bar to in excess of 10 bar Cast iron is the quietest material on the market Full range of waste connection fittings 50-600mm diameter range Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Glasgow Heathrow High Wycombe Leeds Leicester Merseyside Newcastle Northampton Oldham Peterborough Rainham Sheffield Southampton 0121 555 1900 0117 947 1111 0122 362 0926 0292 167 1250 0141 739 0060 0203 856 5620 0149 432 6926 0113 201 4222 0116 222 7355 0151 541 6440 0191 917 9922 0160 476 3621 0161 621 6288 0173 331 1711 0170 868 9900 0114 553 6500 0238 062 3070