The latest learning

CIBSE Journal December 2018 Ridi CPD human centric lighting

Module 139: Human-centric lighting

This module explores how the case is being made for assessment of the benefits of human-centric lighting principles…

November 2018 Lighting
CIBSE Journal December 2018 CPD module 138

Module 138: Ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in…

This module explores some of the main influences and requirements for the updated BB101 guidance for indoor environmental…

November 2018 Ventilation
CIBSE Journal November 2018 CPD Module 137

Module 137: Two-stage heat exchangers in heat networks to maximise…

This module looks at the drivers and methods to enable wide temperature differentials in heat networks

November 2018 Heat network
CIBSE Journal November 2018 CPD Module 136

Module 136: Accessible computational fluid dynamics for building services applications

This module explores the use of CFD in providing building systems manufacturers, designers and operators with intelligence on…

November 2018 Cooling
Colt evaporative cooling

Module 135: Direct evaporative cooling for comfort applications

This module considers the main measures used to determine and interpret the operational efficiency of water chiller-based building…

November 2018 Cooling
CPD Module 134

Module 134: BIM evolution to enhance delivery and operation of…

This module explores the evolution of BIM working practices and the standardisation that is driving a more consistent…

November 2018 BIM