The latest learning

Module 23: Travelling into time with psychrometry

Designers can use computer modelling and weather data to calculate loads across operational periods. But there is also…

December 2010

Module 22: Lighting control technologies and strategies to cut energy…

Lighting is reponsible for the largest slice of energy consumption in offices. This CPD module looks at how…

November 2010

Module 21: Gas-absorption heat pumps

This CPD module introduces the application of gas absorption heat pumps for large residential (for example hostels and…

October 2010

Module 20: Renewable and efficient heating

Since heat pumps are now officially recognised by the UK government and European Union as renewable energy, they…

September 2010

Module 19: Mini combined heat and power applications

Building regulations, planning consent requirements, and legislation in the UK and Europe are providing building operators and designers…

August 2010

Module 18: Evaporative cooling enhancement on air cooled chillers

How can evaporative cooling deliver improved performance, and what are the cost implications? These are some of the…

July 2010