CIBSE Journal January 2017 Harrods Escalator

Hall of fame – Harrods’ escalator hall refurbishment

Harrods’ entrance hall has been refurbished in time…

January 2017
one embankment place

Food for thought – power by cooking oil

Used cooking oil from London restaurants is powering…

January 2017
CIBSE Journal Changing times logo

Changing times – trends for 2017

Industry experts predict the trends that will dominate…

January 2017
CIBSE Journal January 2017 WSP research AIQ

Clear for take-off – air traffic control in productivity research project

A new real-time study is seeking to find…

January 2017
demand side response

Staying power – demand-system response

In an emerging electricity market, bidders can offer…

January 2017
desk of the future

Desk research – Arup’s desk of the future

Low-cost web technology could give workers full control…

January 2017
CIBSE Journal December 2016 Antarctica

Life support – providing heat and power in Antarctica

The facilities team at the British Antarctic Survey…

December 2016
CIBSE Journal December 2016 church heating

Tidings of comfort and joy – cost efficient church heating

Churches may be full to bursting at Christmas,…

December 2016
CIBSE Journal December 2016 Well Building Standard lighting

A healthy light style – the biological impact of light

The Well Building Standard considers the biological impact…

December 2016