The Construction Products Association (CPA) has launched its much-heralded Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) in a bid to improve the way manufacturers present their product details to the market.
The 11-point Code has been built on the principle that product information must be ‘clear, accurate, up to date, accessible and unambiguous’, the association said. ‘[It also] promotes urgent positive culture and behaviour change in the approach and management of product information.’
The CPA added that the Code is designed to make ‘disingenuous marketing practices and the provision of misleading product information… a thing of the past’ so that specifiers, architects, consultants, contractors, and end users could fully trust the accuracy of the information provided.
‘The Code was developed as a direct response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster,’ it said. ‘[It also] promotes urgent positive culture and behaviour change in the approach and management of product information.’