The public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire has found that external cladding did not meet Building Regulations.
A report written by Sir Martin Moore Bick concluded that the cladding did not comply with the Building Regulation aimed at preventing the external spread of fire, but instead ‘actively promoted it’.
Bick said: ‘There was compelling evidence that the external walls of the building failed to comply with Requirement B4(1) of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010, in that they did not adequately resist the spread of fire having regard to the height, use and position of the building.’
In the report, Bick signposted the likely focus of Phase 2 of the public inquiry. He said it would investigate the methods of testing and certifying materials for use in high-rise buildings.
He stated: ‘Grave concern inevitably arises simply from the fact that it was possible for highly combustible materials to be used for the purposes of refurbishing and cladding a building like Grenfell Tower.’
He also said he would investigate whether a prescriptive regime was ‘the most effective way in which to ensure the safety of those who live and work in high-rise buildings and whether the current guidance on how to comply with the Building Regulations is sufficiently clear and reliable.’
Fire doors, window arrangements, lifts and smoke extraction will also be considered in Phase 2 of the report, said Bick.