I am honoured to be appointed as YEN global chair this year, and equally as excited to be able to bring you this special edition of the CIBSE Journal.
September’s issue has been curated using our Young Engineers Network and we are keen to share what our members and volunteers are doing in their regions and societies. We’ll be showcasing events, projects, and career journeys, demonstrating our skills and ever-growing knowledge, and highlighting what the dynamic and diverse YEN community has to offer.
The CIBSE President’s theme of inspiring the next generation provides a platform and opportunity to create a legacy that will enable new engineers to evolve and grow into an industry that – using new technologies, ideas, processes, and pathways – will be able to respond to the challenges of climate change.
Inspiring the next generation is something that is at the heart of the Young Engineers Network – a growing community of engineers within the first 10 years of their career. We harness enthusiasm, share ideas, and engage with like-minded professionals to support the evolution of the building services industry.
I hope this edition inspires you to get involved, provides thought-provoking pieces that express new ways of thinking, or simply showcases the fantastic rising talent in this industry that gives confidence that its legacy is in safe hands. One such rising star is Raphael Amajuoyi, the former CIBSE ASHRAE Graduate Engineer of the Year, who is interviewed.
We can channel that energy to make a net zero world a reality by 2050. A government-led innovation to decarbonise school buildings using plug-in energy pods is a prime example of what can be done to improve building performance in a practical and creative way.
Building services is often a hidden discipline, but its profile has never been higher because of the climate crisis, rising energy bills and the focus on air quality post pandemic. Young people are more in tune with climate and their pester power will help engineer a sustainable future. The YEN community spreads globally so please do use our map of YEN regional chairs on page 24 to contact your closest region.
In October, we will also be hosting our first YEN Career Networking Day in central London, followed by our National Gala, which helps to celebrate and boost the careers of YEN members and inspires engineers to join this fresh and innovative industry. We hope you find this issue of CIBSE Journal inspiring and that YEN will have the opportunity to guest edit again in the future. Do get in touch at YEN@CIBSE.org
Click here to Get in touch with YEN groups and regional chairs.