The CIBSE Journal is very aware of our environmental responsibilities, and is working closely with our printers and mailing houses to ensure that we are meeting our commitments. Please see below for details of our print and mailing arrangements:
Paper and printing:
CIBSE Journal is printed on woodfree silk paper made from 100% virgin fibre with elemental chlorine free (ECF) pulps, which are sourced from sustainable forests and guaranteed by the internationally recognised FSC® chain of custody. The FSC label guarantees that the trees that are harvested towards the paper production are replaced or allowed to regenerate naturally.
The inks used are environmentally friendly oil based inks, which are low in Hydrocarbons, meaning that the oven temperatures on the printing press can be kept as low as possible.
CIBSE Journal is printed by Warners, who hold accreditations for PEFC and FSC® papers, and the ISO14001 Environmental Standard. Warners’ FSC number is FSC ® C017177.
Warners ensure that all activities are carried out in compliance with relevant environmental legislation.
Mailing film:
Currently, we are following the advice from DEFRA and the PPA, that recyclable polywrap is the best option – the wrap we use, can be recycled at bag recycling boxes in larger supermarkets, and in some kerbside recycling boxes, although individuals should check with their local authority services.
To help ensure people are aware, we now print a recycling logo on our wrap making it clear that it is recyclable.
We did explore options for bio-degradable polythene, but it seems more research is needed. Oxo-degradable is not an environmentally friendly option as it doesn’t meet the compostability standards.
Our distribution supplier will be staying in touch with our contacts at Biffa and the ISO for more advice and direction, as well as the PPA Environmental Group and polythene suppliers.
The wrap used for UK copies of the CIBSE Journal is supplied by Four04. Information from the manufacturers can be found here.