Countdown to zero: Build2Perform Live highlights

Decarbonisation and building safety dominated the debates at CIBSE’s Build2Perform Live in London. Alex Smith and Molly Tooher-Rudd find out how CIBSE and the wider industry are rising to the twin challenges

Time to act on safety

A recent survey of building services firms reveals that 70% are doing nothing as a business to prepare for the Building Safety Act. Hywel Davies explains why this should be of serious concern to all Journal readers

Gateway to safety: designing for the new building safety regime

As the Building Safety Act comes into law, the industry is facing the biggest reform of building control ever seen. With the HSE raising concerns about 50% of designs at the first planning gateway of the new safety regime, it’s clearly essential to get to grips with the changes now. Phil Lattimore reports

Tall order: fire safety guidance for façades

Following the ban on the use of combustible materials in some building façades, two industry bodies have come together to produce guidance on these legislative changes. Liza Young looks at the wider implications of the new regulations

What the Building Safety Bill means for construction

The Building Safety Bill sets the stage for the most fundamental reform of regulations relating to the construction and operation of buildings in two generations. Hywel Davies says it will lead to radical change for all