One vision: integrating intelligent HVAC

Integrating intelligent HVAC controls could resolve systems conflicts and give facilities managers a powerful online tool to manage their portfolios. Aecom’s Mary-Ann Clarke MCIBSE reports from a CIBSE HVAC Group webinar on implementing smart HVAC systems

The living lab: making data count

Hoare Lea’s Living Lab is exploring how data can be used to optimise buildings for both energy use and the comfort of occupants. Alex Smith takes a glimpse into a smarter future

In concert – reducing energy in data centres

A new data centre in Stockholm is reducing energy use dramatically by employing an algorithm that integrates separate control systems to reduce infrastructure energy load. Andy Pearson reports

Desk research – Arup’s desk of the future

Low-cost web technology could give workers full control over their office environment, according to research being carried out by Arup. Andy Pearson takes a seat at the desk of the future