Daylight modelling: A new frame of reference

A radical new daylight-modelling schema allows the view from openings to become a material factor in the evaluation of building designs. John Mardaljevic looks at a fundamental change for lighting designers

Leading light: ensuring effective use of UV technology in buildings

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation has been used for many years to mitigate the spread of measles and tuberculosis. It can effectively inactivate the Covid-19 virus too, but a lack of guidelines makes modelling the equipment a complex task. Liza Young reports

Tuning into the body clock: spectrally tunable lighting systems

For the first time in a real office setting, a study has been carried out into the impact of a dynamic, spectrally tunable lighting system on the wellbeing of its occupants. Rohit Manudhane outlines the aims, methodology and initial conclusions of the research

Turning insight out

The SLL’s guidance on exterior lighting ranges widely in application, from façades and public spaces to roads and workplaces, as Paul Ruffles explains

Evaluating dynamic lighting

Dynamic ‘circadian’ lighting varies in colour and intensity during the day, but does it improve alertness and help people sleep? BRE’s Paul Littlefair and Cosmin Ticleanu describe an experiment that aims to find out