A radical rethink: key points from the Hackitt review

Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building Regulations and fire safety, in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, calls for a complete overhaul of how we construct and regulate buildings. Andrew Pearson looks at the implications for building services engineers

Rising from the ashes – the revamped renewable heat incentive

The Northern Irish version contributed to bringing down a government and the entire scheme has been branded a waste of taxpayers’ money, but it looks as if the Renewable Heat Incentive is here to stay… and offering guaranteed returns for investors, writes Ewen Rose

Mind the NOx – at what cost?

High-performance heating requires a fine balance between energy efficiency and environmental impact, says Remeha’s Mike Hefford

Why air quality is becoming a global concern

Air quality is a significant issue, and not just in the UK. Air pollution has serious impacts on health wherever it occurs and is now a pressing concern globally. Hywel Davies reports

A capital idea for all?

The draft London Plan aims to make the city zero carbon by 2050. Hilson Moran’s Marie-Louise Schembri looks at the benefits for end users

Mind the emissions gap

The government urgently needs to publish carbon-reduction policies if it is to meet emissions targets. Hywel Davies reports

LETI and the London Plan

Elementa’s Clara Bagenal George looks at the impact of the London Energy Transformation Initiative on the capital’s energy proposals

Achieving a green Brexit

The Withdrawal Bill could weaken the standards protecting our environment as 80% of environmental regulations derive from the EU, says Julie Godefroy