CIBSE’s Building Performance Champion – The Engine Shed

The Engine Shed in Scotland was named Building Performance Champion because sustainability was embedded at every stage of the project, from the briefing workshop to building aftercare. Andy Pearson speaks to Max Fordham about the design process behind the exemplar scheme

Opening remarks: guidance on ventilation openings

Designing adequately sized windows for natural ventilation while ensuring occupants’ safety is a challenge. Benjamin Jones, Patrick Sharpe and Chris Iddon offer guidance ahead of CIBSE’s Applications Manual 10 update

Force of nature – naturally ventilating Amsterdam’s Breeze Hotel

The 11-storey Breeze Hotel in Amsterdam has a unique natural ventilation system that uses solar chimneys and water droplets sprayed into a shaft to move air around the building. Andy Pearson speaks to the academic behind the concept, Dr Ben Bronsema, and looks  at how his ‘earth, wind and fire’ theory became reality

Lessons from history

Bill Bordass warns about the ‘forgetting curve’ and looks again at the benefits of the 2+1 window

What’s cooking – measuring PM2.5

To ensure indoor air quality measurements in homes are accurate and repeatable, we need standards that clearly define sensor types, calibration methods, sampling frequency, averaging periods and measurement locations, says the University of Nottingham’s Benjamin Jones

How catalysts in AHUs can improve indoor air quality

Electrostatic precipitators can stop PM2.5 dust particles from entering buildings, but could create dangerous levels of ozone. Catalysts in AHUs may be the answer, says Staffordshire University’s Derek Wardle