On target: net zero modular homes at zero extra cost

Ilke Homes has vowed to manufacture zero carbon homes at zero additional cost by 2030. Andy Pearson speaks to ilke’s Nigel Banks about the services strategy and the manufacturing efficiencies that will enable it to hit its goals

Hydrogen’s role in a net zero future

With the government’s decision on the use of hydrogen for heating expected in 2026, Max Fordham’s Bill Watts discusses the options for decarbonising heating systems

Net zero and Covid resilience

Improving the building fabric will allow for higher ventilation rates to minimise Covid-19 risk even in cold weather, says Dr Shaun Fitzgerald

Testing for net zero

Government has led the way with its 2050 net zero target, but it will take more than targets to decarbonise buildings and construction. Hywel Davies looks at the assessment of policy development in the latest Progress Report

Case study: ASHRAE aims for net zero at HQ retrofit

Turning a leaky old office building into an exemplar net-zero headquarters for a high-profile organisation is always challenging – but even more so when that organisation is ASHRAE. Andy Pearson explains the approach Integral took to deliver for its knowledgeable client

LETI’s plan for retrofit energy targets

The energy demand of our homes must be reduced significantly to make a net-zero future viable, but for a high proportion of existing buildings this will be challenging. Passivhaus Trust’s John Palmer says upcoming LETI guidance will show professionals what is possible

The realistic route to zero carbon

To achieve carbon reduction targets, Chris Twinn says the UK should be looking at large-scale offsite renewables and achievable building performance targets that are rigorously upheld