Hoare Lea office

The living lab: making data count

Hoare Lea’s Living Lab is exploring how data can be used to optimise buildings for both energy use and the comfort of occupants. Alex Smith takes a glimpse…

November 2018
CIBSE Journal December 2018 crossrail

Train of thought – Elizabeth line lighting concept

GIA Equation’s Keith Miller explains the overarching principles behind the lighting concept for the Elizabeth line, Europe’s largest infrastructure project

November 2018
Urban Sciences Building

Sensor sensibility: Newcastle University’s Urban Sciences Building

Newcastle University’s Urban Sciences Building has 4,000 sensors to help optimise user comfort and energy performance. Andy Pearson reports

November 2018
CIBSE Journal December 2018 biophilic office

Natural selection – measuring the effects of the Biophilic Office

A major BRE study on biophilic office design will focus on how lighting impacts on the wellbeing of occupants. BRE’s Flavie Lowres describes the aims…

November 2018
CIBSE Journal December 2018 lighting supplement LG17 retail lighting guide

High streetwise – SLL’s guide to retail lighting

The SLL has published its first guide to retail lighting. Jill Entwistle talks to author Simon Robinson about why it was needed and what it…

November 2018
CIBSE Journal November 2018 Old Bailey

Judicial renew – replacing heating and cooling at the Old Bailey

Fifty-year-old boilers at the Old Bailey are being replaced under the watchful eye of Lady Justice, in a major 10-year refurbishment. Andy Pearson speaks to…

November 2018
Curvature of Earth with sun rising

Reach for the stars – taking a lift into space

An elevator that takes passengers into space may sound like the stuff of fiction, but Dr Bryan E Laubscher’s keynote at the 9th Symposium on…

November 2018
CIBSE Journal November 2018 Center Parcs

Paradise forged – Heating and cooling at Center Parcs Longford Forest resort

Center Parcs Longford Forest resort required renewable energy generation, ventilation that didn’t harm tropical plants and a new €4.5m, 27km gas main. Andy Pearson reports

November 2018
BIM workshop

Object lessons – workshop on creating product objects for BIM

Ahead of the launch of a new competency scheme for manufacturers creating product data, CIBSE and the Society of Digital Engineering hosted a workshop that…

November 2018
biomass St Andrew's University

Chipping away at the data – optimising biomass plant at St Andrews University

A biomass district heating scheme is key to the University of St Andrews’ goal of being energy carbon neutral. Vital Energi’s David Wilkinson says operational…

November 2018
More technical articles
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