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Meet our next generation Heat Interface Unit (HIU) Our Heat Interface Units (HIU) have gone through the latest BESA accredited testing and are approved with a new score in-line with CIBSE CP1 best practice guidelines, providing: f VWART < 33 on our E and KE models f Electronic DHW and heating control, with fast reacting valves f Low heat loss factors for SAP calculations f +LJKRZUDWHXSWROLWUHVSHUPLQXWH To discuss a project or to arrange a CIBSE accredited CPD on heat networks, please contact us: 03303 148 323 commercial.industrial@uk.bosch.com bosch-industrial.co.uk/hiu 32 August 2022 www.cibsejournal.com p32.CIBSEMagAug22.indd 32 19/07/2022 09:13